Wednesday, August 20, 2008


A lot of DJs ran out to get Serato Scratch Live as soon as they saw someone else using it. It is a phenomenal piece of software! I love it so much that I'm getting rid of my thousands of records because I simply don't need them anymore. But I've noticed most DJs are not using hardly any of the features of the program. They are looking for music the same way they looked for music when they were using CDs or records. They go into import, find their music folder (where most of their music may or may not be) and then start searching through thousands of folders to figure out what they are going to play next. Maybe they have a clue on what they want to play, but every 2 minutes for 4 hours (or more) they have to mentally go through their whole library to pick the next song.

Hell to the naw!

In this blog, I'm going to give my tips and tricks on using Scratch Live easier. I'm not a turntablist, but this program (and the Rane TT-57SL Mixer) has made me into the next coming of DJ AM, Kid Capri, Tiesto and Louie Vega combined! Any DJ can get 50% better just by using Scratch Live properly, and it pains me every time I see a DJ struggling to find a song (and taking the whole song to do it)!

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